At Precious Kids Center I usually get at least four calls a week about a kid in need and a few that show up at the gate through out the course of a week looking for support. God put on my heart the children who have no where call home, especially those who are abandoned and are left alone at the hospital for extended periods of time because most homes will not take children with disabilities or medical issues. 

So when I got the call about a little boy with bilateral cleft lip and palate who was all alone at the hospital I made the trip to Eldoret to pay him a visit. When a child is abandoned at a hospital here they are reliant on the mother in the next bed with her own child to care for because the nurses often are too busy to be able to meet all of the needs of a child who is without a caregiver. So I saw this tiny three month old boy who looked up at us and smiled. He was given the name Benaiah by the social workers upon his discharge and came to start his new life at Precious Kids Center. 

It was a struggle to get him to gain enough weight to be able to have the surgery to correct his lip, but with the help of nutritionist and his pediatrician we were finally able to get him strong enough to have the operation at Cure Hospital in Kijabe. They did a great job and he had no complications while he was healing. He will also need a second operation in a few years when he is a little older to correct his cleft palate. We are so happy to see how much progress he has made and especially grateful for this cute little smirk.

Benaiah means God builds and we are excited to see what God will continue to build through Benaiah’s life. He is developing and learning at his own pace and has overcome so many obstacles. He is now able to crawl and we ask that you please pray with us as we are trusting that he will gain the strength to start walking soon. 
